Apples and oats contain soluble fiber that lowers cholesterol
This nutrient-dense oatmeal recipe is a smart breakfast choice because each ingredient makes an important contribution to our health. Whole-grain oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that helps reduce blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
Oats are a prebiotic food with fermentable fibers that feed our gut bacteria to promote a healthy immune system. In the large intestine, this activity produces short-chain fatty acids that provide fuel for our colon cells and prevent the growth of colon polyps.
Both walnuts and flaxseeds are excellent sources of alpha linolenic acid, a plant-based source of essential omega-3 fatty acids that fight inflammation to keep our heart and brain healthy. Apples provide even more soluble fiber and are a good source of quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound considered beneficial for health. Research has shown that cinnamon may also play a small role in reducing blood glucose. It adds a slightly sweet, warming spice that complements the flavor of the cooked apples. Read more to get the recipe for this tasty and nutritious oatmeal. Read more